Sunday, January 30, 2011

Vidal Sa-swoon

Is everyone as excited to see this as I am? I really just can't wait! It has prompted me to book an appointment for Feb as a model for cut&color... I think I might want the EXACT haircut on the movie poster... what do you think?  Beautiful!x
p.s. sorry for the lack of posting, my deadline is coming up and oh how behind I am! I will totally do a before and after pic of this hair.

Friday, January 21, 2011

I Heart the Weird and Wonderful

I think we all know, that wweird is almost always wonderful, and when find a shop that is dedicated to that you get amazing creative and useful stuff! and  but about a year go I walked into Luna&Curious when they were still on Brick Lane. Now They have a bigger and better shop on Calvert Street in London, right next to where I work... dangerous. Luna&Curious are a collective and they stock local and new designers of all medium, including but not limited to fashion, ceramics and china! Check out these Paper Self lashes, they are so amazing! best of all, they start at ten pounds, I envy those who wear them! all of the following items can be found on the Luna&curious website, linked above. This is for all my creative Canadian friends:

Necklace byAlice Eden
Lashes by Paper Self
Cup and Saucer by welovekaoru
Porcelain Head by Cresshead
Everything available from Luna&Curious, the best store on earth!


So, I don't know who does and who doesn't know, that I am currently taking a Post-Grad course at the much respected, London College of Fashion. I will start by saying: super hard work, super tight schedule! My course is all about creative pattern cutting, a very very important skill for any budding or aspiring designer. Trust me, it doesn't matter how creative you are with designing, its got to fit. Full stop. So after my first assignment (which involved re-creating runway looks), which went aaaaallright, I decided to up the ante and take on a Tailored Jacket and Corseted dress and worst of all,  they are by Dolce&Gabbana(A/W 10), the MASTERS of tailoring and corsets! Oh my...what have I got myself into? Well here are the two looks I need to re-create for the second assignment. All pics are from Both looks are due in on February 10th, I'll post the images of course! wish me luck!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Illustrated Alice

I worked on a few pieces a little while back for my application to London College of Fashion, luckily, I got in! Today I realized that I hadn't shared any of my recent work with ANYONE! How lame is that? It's so like me to make stuff and then hide it, I am a pretty private person which does not go well with blogging but hey, i'm trying! My friend Nicole  did the photography at Time for Tea

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Of Cabbages and Kings

When Frida (our Puggle) first arrived to London, Chris and I were living in Dalston, arguably the coolest part of town. Just a ten minute walk north on our road brought you to Stoke Newington, probably the second coolest part of town, depending on who you ask of course! Anyway, Stoke Newington is an AMAZING little village-esque part of London full of independently owned shops and restaurants and, up until the nando's that got put in, I can't remember seeing ANY chain outlets, my version of heaven! ANYWAY... we used to walk up there to take Frida to the graveyard where she is allowed to run off lead and can't really get lost...
wow, it is taking a long time to get to the point of the story but here goes: one Saturday when we strolled up there, we happened upon this sweet weekly market which had stalls selling homemade goods like ceramics and prints and even undies! nevertheless, since we moved to Hackney, I have been meaning to make a trip to the market to pick up some cute bits and bobs for my kitchen, so I looked up the name of the market (Of Cabbages and Kings) and it turns out they recently opened up a shop!! Check out how amazing it is!

I want my home to look like this!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sunnies for a grey sky

Oh my! I first saw these sunnies last spring, they are probably old news for everyone but sometimes it takes me a while... anyway, I instantly fell in love! I haven't tried them but I feel that these are the kind of frames that are easy to guess at. Plus, I don't care if they look awful I still needed to have them! Turns out, my friend Jess gets this amazing job working for a wholesaler called C2 and guess that they stock?? Yes... I can have my Retro Super's at a lovely wholesale price.... I can't wait till she pops them in the post!